De Abandono a Abundancia: La Historia de Juliana

Historia por: Mariana Hudson Cuando conoces a Juliana por primera vez, lo primero que notarás en ella es su sonrisa brillante y amigable. Sin embargo, detrás de esta sonrisa se encuentra una historia de abandono y tragedia que comenzó antes de que Juliana naciera en Guatemala. Tan solo tres meses antes de su nacimiento, el padre de Juliana falleció. Poco …

From Abandonment to Abundance: Juliana’s Story

Story by: Mariana Hudson When you first meet Juliana, the first thing you will notice about her is her bright and friendly smile. Behind this smile, however, lies a story of abandonment and tragedy that began before Juliana was even born in Guatemala. Just three months before her birth, Juliana’s father passed away. Shortly after, her mother, who was battling …

Ayudando a Migrantes a Través de la Conexión Humana

Dayana Cobo es una miembro apasionada del equipo de CWS en Nueva York. Su pasión y determinación la han llevado a convertirse en trabajadora social de Church World Service, brindando apoyo a menores no acompañados. Lo que inicialmente atrajo a Dayana a CWS fue nuestra amplia misión. Como ella explica, “realmente me encanta la misión de CWS y el hecho …

Helping Migrants Through Human Connection

Dayana Cobo is a passionate staff member of the CWS New York team. Her passion and drive have led her to become a caseworker with Church World Service, supporting unaccompanied minors. What initially drew Dayana to CWS was our broad mission. As she explains, “I really love CWS’ mission and the fact that they were focused on helping immigrants and …

Más Allá de las Fronteras: El Viaje de Miguel por la Supervivencia y la Familia

Historia por: Jose Ruiz La trabajadora social Tania Landi y el Especialista de la Participación Comunitaria Jose Ruiz viajaron recientemente desde la ciudad de Nueva York para reunirse con un cliente, referido en esta historia con el seudónimo de Miguel, para proteger su privacidad. La historia de Miguel es un relato emblemático de innumerables personas que navegan por el entramado …

Beyond Borders: Miguel’s Journey for Survival and Family

Story by: Jose Ruiz Caseworker Tania Landi and Community Engagement Specialist Jose Ruiz recently traveled from New York City to meet with a client, referred to in this story by the pseudonym Miguel, to safeguard his privacy. Miguel’s story is a narrative emblematic of countless others navigating the web of migration’s challenges. In a mountain-filled U.S. city, we met with …

Journey of Hope: Honchukov’s Path to New York

In the heart of Brooklyn, New York, 28-year-old, Honchukov, found himself seeking refuge in a shelter. His story is one of unpredictable twists of fate that began in the picturesque city of Kharkiv, Ukraine, where grand parks and well-maintained streets were the backdrop of his early years. Honchukov’s journey takes us from the bustling tech scene in Ukraine to the …