Home Study and
Post Release Services

| Overview / Visión General

Our Home Study and Post Release Service (HSPRS) program supports unaccompanied minors in their journey to reunite with their families or towards a brighter future. We partner with the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to provide case management services to children and youth under the age of 18 in the NY metropolitan area. We strive to understand the unique experience of migrant children and youth and advocate for their rights to integrate and to a dignified life in their new community.

| Home Study Process / Proceso de Estudio de Hogar

When an unaccompanied minor is still residing in an ORR shelter, we conduct comprehensive home studies. Our primary objective during these studies is to ensure that the home where the child will be placed is a nurturing and suitable environment that caters to their unique needs. At Church World Service, we carefully assess the sponsor's home to ensure that it provides the safety and support necessary for the minor's well-being.

Learn more about the Home Study process

| Post Release Service (PRS) Program / Programa de Servicio Post Liberación (PRS)

Once a minor is released from an ORR shelter, they become eligible for our Post Release Service (PRS) program. We understand that each case is unique, and the service period depends on the referral type. Some cases may require extended support to address specific needs, ensuring that no minor's case falls through the cracks. Our dedicated caseworkers, who have a deep understanding of immigrant communities and the struggles they face, are committed to providing stability and empowerment to these young individuals.

In our PRS program, we connect minors with a wide range of crucial services, providing continuous support to meet their needs. Our compassionate approach ensures access to vital services like medical care, mental health support, education resources, pro-bono assistance, and recreational activities. We deeply respect the autonomy of these minors, empowering them through supportive conversations. Our commitment includes monthly visits to their homes, understanding their progress, and addressing any concerns. Our goal is to ensure their wellbeing and help them build a brighter future.

We don't limit our support to NYC alone; we understand the significance of reaching minors in hard-to-reach places. For minors residing outside NYC, we offer remote case management, ensuring that even those in challenging circumstances receive the assistance they need. This includes those aging out of services, who often face heightened vulnerabilities as they turn 18.

Learn more about Post Release Services

At Church World Service, we firmly believe that every unaccompanied minor deserves a chance to thrive and be surrounded by care, love, and opportunity. Together, we can make a lasting difference in their lives, fostering hope, resilience, and trust.
En Church World Service, creemos firmemente que cada menor no acompañado merece la oportunidad de prosperar y estar rodeado de cuidado, amor y oportunidad. Juntos, podemos marcar una diferencia duradera en sus vidas, fomentando la esperanza, la resiliencia y la confianza.

CWS is committed to showing welcome and providing steadfast support to refugees, immigrants, asylum-seekers and other uprooted people within the United States, who are seeking safety and the opportunity to rebuild their lives.



Operating Hours: 9am-5pm
Phone: 1.800.297.1516
Email: Nyinfo@cwsglobal.org