In the heart of Brooklyn, New York, 28-year-old, Honchukov, found himself seeking refuge in a shelter. His story is one of unpredictable twists of fate that began in the picturesque city of Kharkiv, Ukraine, where grand parks and well-maintained streets were the backdrop of his early years. Honchukov’s journey takes us from the bustling tech scene in Ukraine to the humbling shores of North America.
In Ukraine, Honchukov had been living a life intertwined with technology, working in the country’s biggest technology store. His passion for all things tech has always been a driving force in his life, and even today, he cherishes his unicycle as his favorite mode of transportation. Honchukov’s love for Ukraine and technology, however, collided with the stark reality of needing to provide more for his family, especially his parents. To secure their future, he made the life-altering decision to move to Canada, where he found employment in a sawmill.
Life, however, can change in an instant. Just two weeks after his arrival in Canada, the shadow of war loomed large as the Russian invasion unfolded. Honchukov’s heart ached for his homeland, torn between the desire to return to his family and the very real danger that awaited him there. His mother, understanding the gravity of the situation, begged him to stay safe in Canada. This internal struggle left him feeling utterly hopeless and isolated, surrounded by uncertainty in a foreign land.
In search of solace and support, Honchukov turned to the United States, where a friend in New Mexico extended a lifeline. His initial attempt to enter the country through the US-Canada border was unsuccessful. Determined, he headed south, to the US–Mexico border, where he waited for a month to enter the country. Once he entered, he faced another daunting hurdle as he navigated the complex web of immigration procedures. Confined within the stark walls of the detention facility, he was stripped of his freedom and plunged into a world that felt entirely alien. He endured weeks of uncertainty, repetitive interviews, and anxiety before finally regaining his freedom.
Honchukov’s journey took him to New Mexico, where he reunited with a friend and found a brief relief from the challenges he had faced. It was a temporary haven in a turbulent journey that ultimately led him to New York, where he resided in a homeless shelter. Here he shared a small room with a roommate and possessed only a tiny safe for his meager belongings. The shelter’s strict rules and curfew made finding employment challenging. Despite these hardships, Honchukov remained strong in his determination to rebuild his life.
Despite the constant heartache of news from his friends serving in the military back home and the dreadful stories of the war, Honchukov carries his burdens silently so that he doesn’t burden others who are also facing their own struggles. When asked how he copes, he said, “I feel like I’m made of iron.”
Despite the challenges he faces, Honchukov’s dreams remain constant. He envisions a future where he is an entrepreneurial trailblazer within the technology industry. His eyes sparkle with excitement as he speaks of his passion for technology. At the same time, the dark shadow of war still haunts him. “The war’s impact spans generations,” he reflects, his voice heavy with concern. “How can we raise a family in a society still healing from trauma?”
Honchukov’s ultimate desire and motivator is simple—to reunite with his family. His journey in New York has only just begun, and the road ahead is an uphill climb. In this challenging journey, Church World Service has been a devoted partner, providing essential support that has empowered Honchukov to take control of his life. CWS’ unwavering dedication and community-centered approach have worked hand in hand with him as he navigates his new reality, highlighting that in times of adversity, the power of community can shine as a beacon of hope.